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10 worst case cenarios when travelling with kids you should not be afraid of

Which worst case cenarios happened to you? And how did your mange the situation? Let me know in the comment section! And we will complete the list together.

The following first four situations are my personal experiences.

1. Crying baby on the flight

Babäh! It happens to babies - there is this moment when they do not know what they want but still fell like showing the whole flight crew and all other patient passengers how well they can drive mommy and daddy in desperation. They do it at home, at grandma's place, in a café and ... on flights. Just stay cool.

2. Travelling to Asia with a blond, cute baby

Oh, they will love your child, they will adore it and touch it. Be aware and prepared to say kindly 'No' before they want to hold it and take pictures. But there could be worse situations than your child being loved.

3. Running out of diapers when your baby is in need

Shit happens. But hey, if you don't have a supermarket around, there is a high chance that you will find another family with a baby within a radius of 500m. Just ask, and they will happily give you one. The size does not matter in such an emergency situation.

4. No place to breastfeed around

I have breastfed in the middle of a Taiwanese jungle, next to a 8 line motorway and while sharing a bench with two beautiful roosters (see my picture). It is not always easy to relax for your and your baby at such places, but if it is hungry, just do it. Don't think about what other people might think about breastfeeding in public- all that matters is to keep your baby happy. You could try to give just some milk for a few short minutes, which gets your baby into a better mood, which will give you a few minutes to find a better place.

5. [Placeholder for your own worst case cenarios noone should not be afraid of]

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