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All about the pumpkins in Tivoli

Not all pumpkins look alike. You have seen the round orange ones, the green ones with yellow stripes, the squat ones, the white ones, the tall ones and the ones that resemble a big pear or skewed cucumber.

What if I told you that there is a place to see this colourful variety of pumpkins right in the heart of Copenhagen.

Now, it is time to tell you all about the pumpkins and the special harvest theme in Tivoli. Here are five memorable facts and 15 beautiful pumpkin pictures.

20.000 pumpkins

It is hardly conceivable that thousands of real pumpkins are used to decorate the Tivoli gardens. Not alone it is the sheer number of pumpkins, but also the fact that all of them look perfectly arranged around the gardens and decked out in their best, that impresses the visitors these days. 20.000 pumpkins – this is a number you won’t forget.


Since 2006

While Tivoli was founded in 1843, it is only since 2006 that guests can enjoy the wonderful autumn decorations in the amusement park. As such, Halloween in Tivoli, isn't just about black cats, ghosts, cobwebs and monsters but also about the autumn's abundance of pumpkins, corn, sheaves of grain and plants. It is a concept that works so far, attracting thousands of guests each year for three weeks during autumn.

More than 400kg

Each year Tivoli celebrates the Halloween opening by organising Denmark’s Pumpkin Championship, a competition that chooses the biggest pumpkin in Denmark. This year, the biggest pumpkin weighted more than 400 kg – impressive 485,4kg to be precise. This is so much pumpkin that you could serve a good portion of pumpkin soup to 25 soccer teams for dinner for a whole week.

18 days

After Tivoli closes the summer season, the gardeners have 18 days to perform a full transformation of the gardens. Where you could admire a fresh, flowery summer garden before, you now find a romantic garden with a harvest theme where everything revolves around the pumpkins.

14 gardeners and 10 assistants

During these 18 days a team of 24 people, led by the head gardener Tom Knudsen, works hard to accomplish the transformation of the gardens. However, already weeks and months before these intense 18 days, the preparations starts and a particular challenge lies in the logistics of the thousands of pumpkins.

If you were thinking before that Tivoli in Copenhagen is not the place to visit during the rainy and stormy Scandinavian autumn, I am sure these pumpkins will convince you otherwise.

Are you a pumpkin fan? What is your favorite pumpkin? And what would you like to make from a 400kg pumpkin? Tell me your pumpkin story! I would love to hear from you.

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