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It’s raining, baby! Things to do with a baby on a rainy day in Copenhagen

Copenhagen is a city, which is beyond beautiful and family friendly. However, as you might have heard, weather in Scandinavia is not always warm and sunny – be prepared for some unpredictable strong wind that can bring ugly clouds and rain to Copenhagen.

But hey, this should never stop you from visiting Copenhagen! Since our two lovely kids were born here, I got around discovering quite some places, which are perfect for spending quality time with your baby while hiding from the bad weather.

All the listed activities can be easily done without being proficient in Danish.

For a list of things to do for families with a toddler in Copenhagen when it is raining, watch this space! I will create a blog post within the next couple of weeks.

(Café with Danish hygge flair)

1. Baby and kid friendly cafés

Drinking coffee and eating a delicious goat cheese salad or choclate chip cookie while your baby is snuggling in your arms, older kids are playing enthusiastically in the play corner at the café and your table neighbor is waiting for his laundry – that’s not just a dream. That’s Laundromat, a family friendly café, which has three cafés in Copenhagen.

There are many other especially family friendly places in Copenhagen, where their slogan is 'We like babies and boobs', meaning that you are very welcome to breastfeed your baby. Just to name a few: There is the MakkeKafè ved Kanalen (Nybrogade 18), Espresso Huset (Rådhusstræde 4A), Café Sweet Surrender (Dybbølsgade 49), Café Mandela at Halmtorvet (Onkel Dannys Pl. 9) or Petról (Istegade 58).

In general, taking care of your baby including nursing is widely accepted in cafés in Copenhagen, even though not all might have a changing table available.

(Advertisement of the Laundromat café)

2. Swimming pool

When the weather is not so impressive, you can be sure to meet many water-loving families at the swimming pool. Most Danish swimming pools are well prepared for babies and small kids and offer all the facilities needed – changing tables, playpen, baby bathtub, and often even strollers and baby seats are provided to carry the baby around.

You can check out the following baby friendly and centrally located swimming pools in Copenhagen:

More swimming pools can be found here:

Please remember that it is required to bring both swim trunks such as 'Happy Nappy' as well as disposable swim pads/diapers (example: 'Little Swimmers') for babies and small kids.

3. Cinema for parents & baby

Baby cinema, or called ‘babybio’ in Danish, is very popular among mothers and fathers on parental leave. Cinemas offer movies on weekdays in the morning for parents who want to bring their baby along. Most international movies are in English, some with Danish subtitles. You can bring your baby inside the cinema or let it sleep in the pram in the entrance hall, where the cinema staff will watch over your baby while it is asleep. Once your sweetheart wakes up, they will call you. The sound of the movie is reduced, so you do not have to worry about your baby’s hearing and the light stays on, so that you can see your baby at all times. Feel free to feed or play with your child while the movie is on – and do not worry if your baby is crying, no one minds.

Parents pay the regular ticket price for one adult; the baby does not pay, but most of the time you can occupy even two to three seats because it is rarely booked out (if it is not a James Bond or 50 Shades of Grey movie...).

These are three popular examples of cinemas that offer 'babybio' weekly. Please check their webpages for upcoming movies and practical details.

4. Shopping for your baby

Copenhagen is a shopping paradise for parents. Especially when it is raining, there are many opportunities to go shopping for and with your kids.

You will find many good quality clothes with a Scandinavian touch in Copenhagen. Check out the shopping centers such as Fisketorvet and Frederiksberg Centret, where I can recommend the boutique Tinderbox for classic Scandinavian, high quality brands.

Also, the department stores Illum or Magasin have a huge variety in kids’ clothing. However, don't forget about the hip areas in Vesterbro, Østerbro (e.g. Østerbrogade), Nørrebro and Frederiksberg, in which many smaller boutiques are located, which are perfect for you if you are after some individual, distinct clothes, shoes and accessories for your kid's outfit.

My personal recommendations go to these small shops:

  • Purebaby; Falkoner Allé 39, 2000 Frederiksberg

  • Mødrehjælpen for second hand clothing (several locations)

  • Okker-Gokker; Nordre Frihavnsgade 10, 2100 København Ø

If you would like to surprise your baby with a new toy, I always love to recommend these three small shops, where I can promise that you will not be able to leave these shops without spending some money! They offer for example high quality toys made from wood as well as creative, educational toys.

  • Karrusella; Jorcks Passage, Vimmelskaftet 42, 1161 København K

  • Banditten; Østerbrogade 142, 2100 København Ø

  • Petit Monde; Nordre Frihavngade 23, 2100 København Ø

(Play in style)

5. Baby friendly museums

Even if your baby is still too small to enjoy a museum, nothing should stop you from visiting one of Copenhagen's great museums, where you can learn so much about art, culture and history. There are many museums, which offer not just changing tables and a picnic room, but also prams and strollers for your little one, which you can borrow, as you are not allowed to bring your own pram or stroller inside for security reasons. Good examples are the

  • SMK - National Gallery of Denmark

  • National Museum of Denmark

  • Arken Museum of Modern Art.

Please check the practical information on their webpages for more information about baby and kids friendly facilities.

(Mother and baby spending quality time)

6. Take a break

It can get busy and noisy in the city center, especially on weekends and in the holiday season. Understandably, you and your little one might need a break in between to recharge, change diapers, play and for a good feed. Shopping centers such as Frederiksberg Centret or Fields offer a baby lounge to parents, which provide a calm 'hygge' area with sofas and all basic facilities needed for small kids. Some places even have a microwave to heat up food or milk.

In addition, the department stores Illum and Magasin in the city center have baby lounges on the top floor (not far away from the baby clothing section, of course), where you can take a break with your baby as well as get to know other mothers.

(Baby lounge at Field's shopping mall)

7. Manned playgrounds with indoor facilities

Copenhagen has a number of manned playgrounds, which offer also great indoor facilities for kids. Your child will be able to crawl around, play with toys and make new friends. You can easily change the diapers there as they provide all the facilities needed, you can give milk, breastfeed and sometimes even heat up some food. These playgrounds are completely free to visit and often offer coffee and tea for parents for just a few kroner.

My favorite ones are

  • Christianshavn Vold Playground; Christianshavn Voldgade 36, 1424 København K

  • Playground Skydebanen; Absalonsgade 12, 1658 København

  • Ørstedsparkens Playground; Nørre Farimagsgade 2, 1364 København K

Have a look at their facebook page for events, location, opening hours and further practical information.

(Playtime for kids)

8. Go outside

Danes have a saying “There is no such thing as bad weather – only bad clothing”. Follow their advice and go outside even the weather is bad - you won't regret it. There are many exciting places to discover: Kastellet, Amalienborg, Tivoli, Nyhavn, Little Mermaid, Dyrehavsbakken and much more. In case you are not adequately prepared for this weather, consider point 4 'Shopping for your baby' on this list in advance.

9. Hygge

While the rain drums against the window, make yourself comfortable in a cozy chair, get some tea, turn on the radio, put on your wooly socks and enjoy Danish hygge time with your baby! If you do not know yet how to practice the art of Danish hygge, watch the video on the VisitCopenhagen webpage, which explains it very well.

Are you ready for the next rainy days in Copenhagen? How would you spend your time in the city with your baby? Let me know! I would love to hear from you.

All activities and locations for babies listed in this blog post I have tried and visited myself with my kids, some of them even many times and I hope that this list is an inspiration to you and your young family. I have not received any money or rewards from any of the activities and locations mentioned.

For a list of things to do for families with a toddler on a rainy day in Copenhagen , watch this space! I will create a blog post within the next couple of weeks.


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